- Balconies' balustrades
- Fences
- Gazebos and pegolas
- Buildings' walls and roofs
- Sheds, garrages, waste storage places
- Cafe gardens
- Road screens, bridges' columns
- Advertising banners
- Cemeteries
Artificial hedges "Green'y®"
Always green
UV resistant
No sunlight, ground, water and maintenance needed
Just wash with water
Easy installation and immediate effect.
You can join with each other, trim and bend.
Immediate effect.
Perfect for allergy sufferers
No insects , no plant diseases
No barrier to free air circulation
Makes crossing the fence or balcony more difficult, also for kids or pets.
Protects your privacy.
No graffitti possible on hedged walls.
No harm for the walls surface.
Warranty for 3 - 5 years, depending on the product.